Friday, March 19, 2010


Greetings and salutations! I am feeling much better today, much, much, much better. No fever, things are looking good. My brother was just up here, he's getting HAL tested for my transplant (if that's the course that is chosen). It was soooo nice to see him and his wife, nice to have the company. They brought me a purple rabbit with balloons attached and a ton of Peeps candy, so I'm set for a while. I hear its going to snow tonight? The temperature is going from 65 to 25 in one I guess that's Spring! I'm watching the basketball games (out of boredom more than anything) and honestly can't say who I'm hoping wins other than Purdue. I know that probably won't happen.

Just found out that my WBC count is 0.3, and my Hgb and Hct are so low, that I'll need more transfusions tomorrow and Sunday. ARGH.


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