Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Chemo Day 2

Chemo Day #2 has started, only 5 more days to go for the induction phase. So far, so good. Only mild nausea which was stopped immediately with Zofran and Compazine. It was odd when the chemo first started -- I lost all feeling in my lower lip and chin, but within an hour it came back. I have 6 IV bags dripping something into my IV lines.

I need to get a small table lamp and some pictures. They only have harsh fluorescent lights in the rooms, so in the middle of the night when something needs to be done, its either as bright as the sun in here or its pitch black with just the TV for light.

I have met so many nurses from NW Indiana, almost 60% of the RNs I have met are from Dyer, Schererville, Crown Point, etc. They come up here because of the $$ and work 12-hr shifts, so they have a shorter week.

Anyway, things are good.....I keep waiting for the hammer to drop with this chemo, but maybe it won't and everything will be fine. So far I've had 9 blood transfusions -- so for you guys who donate blood, keep donating! Without these units, patients up here wouldn't survive.


  1. Beth, do you think hotdogs would survive in the wild without eyes?

  2. I have decided to use Rogaine on my chest. My pectorals are huge (working out a lot) already but when I oil them down and they are glistening under natures one million watt light bulb there still seems to be something lacking. I am going for the Prince chest hair triangle. I think that might help me with the ladies..........

  3. Question, is it ok to yell "Movie" in a crowded firehouse?

  4. All I know for sure is I love the animation on the SHAKE WEIGHT commercial for women. I recommend it for all women and ok lonely men.

  5. I found out why people need a significant other.................

    Back pimples
