Tuesday, March 23, 2010

bone marrow results

The medical students just came in and told me that my bone marrow is 100% clear of all leukemia cells! I'm in remission!!!!!!!!!! How long it lasts will be the question, or what the plan is from here will be the next set of questions, but for now all the cancer cells are gone.

WHOOOOO HOOOOOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Beth:

    I am sorry to hear about your illness. You have always inspired me because you continued to work so long with your hip pain and using a cane. I was thrilled when you were able to have the hip surgery which i'm sure made you feel great and happy too. My sons girlfriends father has been diagnosed with the same condition. As I am writing you he is getting his cell transplant. His sister was a perfect match. She was able to give around 8 million cells for Frank. Beth, please continue to be courageous, strong, and have a lot of faith. I am thinking of you and have been praying for you and Frank! Take care and behave yourself. Sincerely, Cindy

  2. Remission!!!!! This sounds great, I am smiling!!!

  3. Fabulous, fabulous news. Yahooooo!!!


  4. I finally figured this out!!!! I am so happy to hear the good news. You are a real trooper and a fighter. I bet you can't wait to get home to recover and be with your family. Keep blogging:-)

  5. Beth, I'm so glad to hear you are in remission. I am a firm believer that attitude absolutely plays a part in a person's outcome. Keep believing and stay strong. I'm hoping you are well enough to go home soon, so you can be with your family. All your family and friends will continue to pray for you. Keep that positive attitude!
