Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sunday at UofC

Gosh, its boring up here. There is literally nothing to do except watch TV and/or do "whatever" it is that I brought with me. I brought some cross-stitch but can't get interested in that, I am searching for new recipes to try when I get home, but that isn't proving too much fun either. I'm going to retype my personal recipes and make a cookbook,, so maybe that will take a week or so. I always worry about doing that because of all those numbers -- very high chance of error, but I'll do my best to make sure my recipes turn out right. Anyone want a copy of my recipes, let me know, they will be in Word and I can electronically send them in one huge document.



  1. I was thinking about you today. I hope all is well. I do miss the rapier wit you possess and the conversations we used to have.

  2. Hi Beth, Was just thinking about you wondering how you are feeling. So I checked the site. I figure if your @ home your feeling better (I Pray) and on your way to a 20 yr remission soon!!
